Privacy and Policy

To better assist those who are worried about the use of their personal information online, this privacy policy has been put together. The information disclosed in a privacy policy can be used alone or in conjunction with other data to locate, identify, or get in touch with a single person, as well as to identify a person in a specific context. To gain a comprehensive understanding of how we gather, utilize, safeguard, and manage your Personally Identifiable Information in compliance with our website, please carefully read our privacy policy.


What private data do we get from visitors to our website and blog?

You might be prompted to enter your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, or other information to improve your experience while placing a purchase or registering on our website, as appropriate.

When do we gather data?

When you register on our website, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, answer a survey, or enter information on our site, we collect information from you. Please let us know your thoughts on our goods and services.

How are we going to use your details?

The following are some of the ways we might use the data we get from you when you register, buy anything, subscribe to our newsletter, answer a survey or other marketing message, browse the website, or use specific other features:

  • To allow us to present the kind of content and product options that most interest you and to tailor the user’s experience.
  • To make changes to our website so that we can better assist you.
  • To enable us to reply to your customer care inquiries more effectively.
  • To request testimonials and ratings for goods or services
  • To get in touch with them again following correspondence (by phone calls, emails, or live chat).


How are visitor data protected?

In an effort to keep your visit as safe as possible, our website is regularly analyzed for security flaws and vulnerabilities. Your personal information is kept private behind guarded networks and is only available to a select group of people who are obliged to maintain the information’s confidentiality and have special access rights. Additionally, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology encrypts any credit and sensitive data you submit.

To protect your personal information, we put in place a number of security measures whenever a user puts an order, enters, submits, or accesses their data.

Every transaction is handled by a gateway provider; none of them are kept or handled on our servers.

Are ‘cookies’ used?

Indeed. If you agree, a website or its service provider may place little files called cookies on your computer’s hard disk. These files help the website’s or service provider’s systems identify your browser and store and retrieve specific data. For example, cookies enable us to save and manage the products in your shopping cart. In order to give you better services, they are also utilized to assist us in understanding your preferences based on past or present site activity. In order to provide users with improved site experiences and tools in the future, we also utilize cookies to help us gather aggregate data about site traffic and site participation.

Cookies are used in order to:
  • Recognize and store user preferences for subsequent visits;
  • Assist in remembering and processing the products in the shopping cart.
  • Monitor commercials.
  • Gather general information about website traffic and user behavior to provide future iterations of the site’s tools and experiences. Additionally, we might make use of reputable outside firms to track this data for us.

You have the option to disable all cookies or to have your computer notify you each time one is sent. You access this using the settings of your browser, such as Internet Explorer. Since every browser is a little bit different, check out the Help menu on your particular browser to find out how to change your cookies correctly.

Certain functionalities will not work if cookies are disabled. The user experience that improves the effectiveness of your website won’t be impacted, but certain of our services won’t work as intended.

You can still place orders, though.


Disclosure to third parties

Your personally identifiable information is never sold, traded, or otherwise transferred to unaffiliated third parties unless we provide users prior notice. As long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential, this excludes website hosting partners and other parties that help us run our website, run our business, or serve our users. Additionally, we could disclose information where doing so is necessary to uphold the law, enforce our site policies, or safeguard the safety, property, or rights of others.


Links from third parties

On occasion, we could provide or include third-party goods or services on our website, at our sole discretion. The privacy policies of these third-party websites are distinct and autonomous. As a result, we disclaim all duty and responsibility for the actions and material on any linked websites. However, we work hard to maintain the integrity of our website and appreciate any comments you may have regarding these sites.


Links from third parties

On occasion, we could provide or include third-party goods or services on our website, at our sole discretion. The privacy policies of these third-party websites are distinct and autonomous. As a result, we disclaim all duty and responsibility for the actions and material on any linked websites. However, we work hard to maintain the integrity of our website and appreciate any comments you may have regarding these sites.

How can I receive privacy policy updates?

Our website is open to anonymous visitors. We will link to our privacy statement from our home page, or at the very least, from the first important page you see when you visit our website, once it is completed. The phrase “Privacy” appears in our Privacy Policy link, which is clearly visible on the aforementioned page.

Users will be informed of any modifications to the privacy policy:

  • Users can modify their personal data on our privacy policy page:
  • Through their account login.
How do not track signals get handled on our website?

When a browser function known as Do Not Track (DNT) is enabled, we respect these signals and refrain from tracking, installing cookies, or using advertising in plants


Does our website permit behavioral tracking by third parties?

It’s also crucial to remember that we permit behavioral tracking by third parties.

Should a data breach happen, we shall respond by doing the following to comply with Fair Information Practices:

Users will receive notice through in-site notification as well as email within 4 working days.

Your email address is gathered so that we can:

  • Send information, reply to queries, and/or handle additional requests or queries.
  • Completing orders and sending updates and information about them.
  • We might also provide you with more details about your good or service.
  • Promote to our email list or keep in touch with our customers via email even after the initial transaction has taken place.


Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.
# 216 11th cross janathanagar

Near ganesh bander mysore Karnataka 570009.